A novel technology that could potentially bring hope to the 20 million patients each year who end up in intensive care units and are placed on mechanical ventilators.
To overcome the risks and medical complication associated with mechanical ventilator that require intubation and coma, the INSPIRA™ ART is designed to treat the patients while they are awake.
The INSPIRA™ ART targets to boost oxygen saturation levels to 95% or higher in minutes with small volumes of blood being monitored for the rapid detection of life-threatening medical conditions.
Challenging the foundations of Life Support to eliminate the need for mechanical ventilation treatment.

We aspire to prevent mechanical ventilation
Patient treated awake and without Mechanical Ventilation
No Coma · No Tube in throat · Potentially reduces hospital days
Oxygen is delivered straight into the blood,
with carbon dioxide removed
No lung infection · No lung injury
Blood parameters measured continuously and in real-time
Early detection of changes · Provides decision-making
assistance data

Market Size
Aiming to Revolutionize the $19 Billion
Mechanical Ventilation Market
±20 Millions / Year
on Mechanical Ventilation

Novel Patents
Inspira™ Patent Portfolio
VORTX™ | U.S Granted
Dual Lumen Cannula | U.S Granted
Initiation Module | U.S Granted
Cannula Fixation Device | U.S Filed

$546 Million
In Pre-conditional Signed Summary
Distribution Agreements
North America | Central America |
Europe | Israel | Gulf States